Thursday, March 5, 2009


Okay, so I’ve started this Blog.
And okay, it’s a seemingly weird title. What the heck. One of my readers (I’m flattered- one post, and I already have a reader) asked my, why in Pete’s name was my Blog called “Bileifs, Konphessions, and Spelling Mistakes” (not that it is called anything else in anyone’s name, its just that that particular reader seems to have a special liking for Pete, whoever that is). So, I feel morally compelled to explain that title.
Well, for one thing, I am a person with many beliefs (surprise- I know the right spelling to this), because a person is after all what he believes in. For another, I am a person with many confessions (yes, you probably are surprised at this as well), because well, I have lived my life like a normal human being, and most normal human beings have a few confessions here and there- skeletons in the closet I think they are called.
And now that we’re talking, I might as well confess that I believe that I make a lot of spelling mistakes, the most common ones being the ones that involve the golden rule: “I before E, except before C”. For some odd reason, I can never get this rule in my head, simply because there are too many exceptions to the damn thing! I mean, look at ‘weight’. The ‘E’ comes before the ‘I’, even though there is no ‘C’, and yet it’s a perfectly healthy word. So I just decided to forget the whole thing, and move to using Microsoft Word, which is the perfect substitute to remembering your stupid grammatical rules (at this point, I can create a very good advertisement/ infomercial for Word, but then I will be digressing, so let me just avoid that and continue with the original plan of things), and write away in whichever way you please with the smart little computer figuring out what is wrong and correcting it, in short, doing all the dirty work.
And it is indeed very frustrating, because you spend all your primary education years as a good student who does his/her homework, learns his/her spellings, and scores very well in all the spelling dictation tests in the English class, but then you grow up, get introduced to Microsoft Word, and wonder “Why the hell did I rack my brains back then when I would have been using this in the future anyways?”
But anyways, I hope, dear-reader-who-was-excessively-interested-in-why-my-Blog-was-titled-the-way-it-has-been-titled that your doubts regarding why my Blog has been titled the way it is titled are satisfied, and I just spelt satisfied as satisfyed before Word corrected me- so kudos to Word.

1 comment:

  1. I think I got exactly why your blog is called what it is. Anyway, it's a good start, keep it up. Looking forward to reading more "sattires on human beings"
