Tuesday, March 31, 2009


The other day I was told by a sadistic well-wisher (I know that that is a self-contradictory way to describe the person, but that is, all in all, the ideal way to put it. I won’t go into further details, for then I shall be digressing) that I spoke in my sleep. Not speaking in my sleep actually, but in the state of disturbed semi-consciousness that is induced when one is shaken from deep slumber for the first time (the first time never works in waking a person up, it just induces the aforementioned state. A further nine attempts, a cup of tea and a mug of water on the face are usually required to the job, at least for me). And apparently, in the words of the well wisher, I “said extremely interesting stuff.” That particular morning, I was saying something along the lines of “the sum total of all liquefied assets of an economy is a direct function of the money supply present, and by the credit generated by active commercial banks…” and this piece of news really got me thinking.
I am not a willing student of economics. I have no particular fondness for the study. I do not like the member of the alien species who teaches it to me. But yet, of all the things I could have said in my sleep, I was talking about economics. Wait a minute, why was I talking in my sleep in the first place? Which brings me to the current topic at hand.
I figured that a normal, sane, balanced human being like me (ignoring the lees-human sides right now, for the sake of convenience) should not face such a problem, but the fact that I did pointed to two possible theories. Either it could be the sub-conscious genius within the realms of my sub-conscious mind that was speaking sub-consciously to me in my state of sub-consciousness, or it could be that the state of balance and sanity that I take pride in possessing was wearing thin.
Now, if it’s the first case, its all fine, in fact it’s something I’ve believed all along. All I have to do is to get a secretary to sit by my bedside the entire night and write down everything I might utter, so that those invaluable words of sub-conscious wisdom are not lost and the whole of mankind may benefit that there be peace and harmony on the world and everybody can live happily ever after (violins playing in the background).
But if it’s the second case, which is far more probable than the first (more probable because of the circumstances in which I live- the education system, my alien professor of economics, the Al Qaeda, the income taxes, and the smell of the new imports of French cheese can erode anybody’s sanity), then I must do something drastic to correct it. How I plan to do it is not something I would like to advertise, so please excuse me for not disclosing to you all the details at the forum.
Maybe someday some new research might reveal to all sleep-talkers that talking in their sleep is not a bad thing after all. Maybe someday sleep-talkers and non-sleep-talkers will be able to coexist in harmony, without animosity, and looks that say “Oh My God! I just saw a sleep-talker!” Maybe someday sleep-talking might be taken to new heights as an art, and people might be able to recite Shakespeare and Wordsworth. Maybe someday I might find my own place in this universe as a sleep-talker proud to be what he is.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing stuff man but must you always "digress" and apologize for it? Or rather you pretend you're not digressing but you do anyway. Is it like a trademark or something? Knowing you I guess it is so carry on!!
