Sunday, March 11, 2012


A memory so clear, it burns.

You are looking away, your long silken hair covering your face. But I know how you smile behind that veil. A smile of freedom, of sublime happiness expressed with not a care in all the world. The sunlight dances as you turn to look at me, your hair flowing aside like drapes parting, and you smile at me.

The smile, the memory, so clear, it burns.

The smile becomes a laugh. You tell me to stop looking at you so, but how can I? You shake your head, your hair shimmering, dancing in the light once more. And you look away once more until your face is hidden behind your veil. But I know how you smile still.

Knowing that you smile is a memory so clear.

Like a view lost behind a fog set in too quickly on a cold night, you have faded. Like the ideas of a dream lost from waking up too suddenly, the things you did are difficult to remember.

But your smile, and the way the sunlight danced in your shining hair. They stay on, blurring my vision, burning me.

Smile for me, once more. Please just once, so the man that you see before you can pick himself up again.